Why Page Load Speed Is Important For Your Website

Page load speed in important for every website be it a personal blog or a professional website. And, the reasons behind that are from both perspectives listed below:


  • Search engine importance
  • End user experience


Let us see why page load speed is important for your website for a search engine and also for an end user.

Importance of Page Load Speed for search engine:


A search engine, be it Google, Yahoo, Bing, or any other, uses an array of parameters to decide if your website is worth displaying in the search result. Among those factors, one of the top factors is the page load speed. If your site loads too slow then search engine will either not list it or push it back depending upon how slow your website it. 

How search engine decides page load speed


Every search engine has a tool called crawler, which crawls every website listed in the search engine database and indexed to be ranked in search results. That crawler checks the time your site requires to load the pages of your website including home page and every individual page. And, this check is performed within the time scheduled by the search engine. If the time gets over but your site does not load then it means you are in urgent requirement to take an action.


Usually a page should load in about fractions of a second to 2 to 4 sections. If a site takes more than it then it means your rankings may have an impact. As the loading period will increase, rankings will decrease too. 

Importance of page load speed for an end user


Not only for a search engine but also for an end user the page speed matters a lot. If a user comes to your website via search engine, social media, or any other resource you have been using for marketing, and he or she finds that the site does not load even after 15 seconds, he or she will hit the CLOSE button and leave your site seeking any other similar site for the information they are looking for.


And, when a user leaves your site, mind it that you might have lost a prospective client or a regular reader (in case you run a blog). Also, if you have been using email subscription option in your website or blog, you have lost a subscriber as well.


So before you face any issue, get the speed checked and if it is slow, fix it. 

How to check page load speed


There are many ways to check the load speed of your website. Just Type “check website load speed” in Google and you will come across with many options.

More details about “Why Page Load Speed Is Important For Your Website” kindly visit http://www.trisasoftech.com/